Saturday, July 19, 2014

My Back Hurts! - 2 Permanent Solutions For Back Pain Relief

So what to do when your back hurts?
You will find a thousand information out there on the Internet about back problems, but they will create dizziness in your head with their level of technicality.

The point of my article today is not to overwhelm you with any technical stuff, but instead to give you the TWO essential rules for back pain relief.

To live a pain-free life (and this applies to any kind of pain!) you must follow these 2 solutions:
  1. DON’T focus just on the symptom
The key is to identify the cause and its connection with your back pain. So, if you want to get back pain relief, once and for all, you must ASK yourself what caused your back problems in the first place, which many doctors fail to do. Don’t focus just on the short term back pain relief (like your doctors) but instead address your problems more deeply:

  • “What imbalances caused poor posture?”
  • “What caused the sciatic nerve to flare up in the first place?”
  • “What caused the disc to rupture anyway?”

      2. Find the ORIGINAL root of your pain!  In most cases, all back pain starts from issues with excesses, deficiencies, and stagnations in your mind, body, and diet.

The too much or too little of anything in your life can cause:

  • bad circulation

  • low energy flow!

Define exactly what caused those imbalances in your body (usually there will be more than 1 element), and you are step away of getting rid of your back pain PERMANENTLY!

It’s the most challenging part of getting better, and once you’ve actually figured it out, it will be very easy to solve… 

So in order to eliminate any recurring back pain, make sure you follow these 2 essential long-term solutions for back pain relief!

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